This page contains instructions for adding a custom network (Babylon Euphrates devnet) to Keplr.

Unlike Metamask, Keplr does not provide UI support for adding custom networks specified by the wallet user. Rather, one needs to construct the request for adding a custom network and send it to the Kepler wallet extension. The operation is entirely local and does not leak the network information to the Internet. Constructing the request could be done via some online tools like Connect Keplr to local hid network | Hypersign

  1. Install Keplr
  2. Open Connect Keplr to local hid network | Hypersign and scroll down to the place below


  1. Click EDIT ON CODEPEN in the upper right place
  2. Paste the following thing to the frame at the right side (JS)
async function addKeplr() {
        "rpc": "<>",
        "rest": "<>",
        "chainId": "euphrates-0.5.0",
        "chainName": "Babylon Euphrates devnet",
        "stakeCurrency": {
            "coinDenom": "bbn",
            "coinMinimalDenom": "ubbn",
            "coinDecimals": 6,
            "coinImageUrl": "<>"
        "bech32Config": {
            "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "bbn",
            "bech32PrefixAccPub": "bbnpub",
            "bech32PrefixValAddr": "bbnvaloper",
            "bech32PrefixValPub": "bbnvaloperpub",
            "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "bbnvalcons",
            "bech32PrefixConsPub": "bbnvalconspub"
        "bip44": {
            "coinType": 118
        "currencies": [
                "coinDenom": "bbn",
                "coinMinimalDenom": "ubbn",
                "coinDecimals": 6,
                "coinImageUrl": "<>"
        "feeCurrencies": [
                "coinDenom": "bbn",
                "coinMinimalDenom": "ubbn",
                "coinDecimals": 6,
                "coinImageUrl": "<>",
                "gasPriceStep": {
                    "low": 0.007,
                    "average": 0.007,
                    "high": 0.01
        "gasPriceStep": {
            "low": 0.05,
            "average": 0.125,
            "high": 0.2
        "features": [
  1. Paste the following to the frame at the left side (HTML)
<button onclick="addKeplr();" class="keplr"><img src='<>' width="20px" height="20"> <span style='margin-bottom:5px'>Add Babylon Euphrates devnet to Keplr</span></button>
  1. Wait for about 5seconds, and then click “Add Babylon Euphrates devnet to Keplr”. Kelpr will pop up. Then, approve the request.
  2. Click “Manage Chain Visibility” in Keplr and enable “Add Babylon Euphrates devnet to Keplr”.




At this point, Babylon Euphrates devnet will be visible in Keplr.
